Major Grants

Read this section if you wish to apply for £100,000 and over

Please follow these simple steps:

  • If your organisation wants to apply for £100,000 or over (including a multi-year grant that totals £100,000 or more), the total cost of what you are applying for must be at least £1 million.
  • Please send us a very brief summary of what you are raising funds for. We only need a few paragraphs and most organisations are able to explain who they are and what they need in around half a page of A4. Please also include your Charity Registration number, if applicable. Please summarise:
  1. what your organisation does, the need it is meeting and the number of beneficiaries you work with each year
  2. what you are raising funds for, the total cost, how much you have raised so far and what your current shortfall is
  3. if you are applying for a capital project, please confirm that any relevant permissions are in place
  4. anything else you feel it’s important for us to know!
  • Please email this summary to us via and our Director will be in touch to give our best advice on whether or not applying for a Major Grant is right for your organisation. This information is not reviewed by our Trustees at this stage, so please feel free to send us a very factual, brief summary – you are welcome to save your compelling and inspiring words and pictures for any subsequent applications!
  • We will be in touch to give bespoke guidance. This may be to advise you to apply for a smaller amount, or to discuss next steps in relation to a Major Grant application.
  • If eligible, you will be invited to apply to one of our eight Trustee Board meetings a year. We will aim to arrange a meeting with you, our Director and at least one Trustee before the Board meeting.
  • You will be contacted by our Director within 48 hours of the Board meeting to learn of the Trustees’ decision.
  • If you are offered a grant, we will send you our grant terms and conditions and ask you to submit your organisation’s bank details via your online account.
  • Your grant will be paid into your organisation’s bank account within 10 working days. If you are offered a pledge, our email will be clear about any specific conditions that have to be met before you can ask for your pledge to be released.

Whether you are successful or not, you will not be able to make another application until at least 12 months have passed from the date of our email advising you of the outcome of your most recent application.


See what we have funded

Our case studies give a taste of the type of organisations and projects we fund

Organisations we have funded