About us

Garfield Weston Foundation is a family founded grant-maker that gives money to support a wide range of charities across the UK. In total we donate around £90 million each year.

Scientist looking into a microscope
Blood Cancer UK

We exist to ensure charities can deliver their vital work across the UK. But we cannot do this alone. We need charities to apply to us and we make this as straightforward as possible. That way charities can devote more time to their work, not to fundraising.

We take our responsibility seriously to be thoughtful stewards of the funds entrusted to the Foundation, yet aim to maintain a friendly, accessible and uncomplicated approach.

You don’t have to have applied to us before to be successful and we are open for applications all year round.

If you need funds to support a specific activity or project, tell us in your application. However, you don’t need to create a project for us – if you need unrestricted funds, likewise, tell us. We will listen and if we are able to support you, we will make a grant. It’s that simple.


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